
Live Mag! #21 is going to print. ETA April. Preordering now ensures you can enjoy it hot off the press. Thank you for helping to support our work as a subscriber or simply by purchasing our Mag—a full-color, glossy JCW collage cover, curation of poetry and art—to have and hold. Early issues have hand-detailed covers and up to 36 (8.5x11) pages of curated poems and art, black and white with "local color", made and printed in NY, NY.

Be an Angel

Be an Angel

We are so appreciative of the angels in our midst. For going above and beyond with us, angel level subscribers are entitled to the latest and next issues plus two books. Thank you!




Join us in our mission to spread cutting edge poetry and art on the web, in print, and in live events! Get invited to all our events and get a bonus chapbook as a thank you. We'll send you #21 on publication!


LiVE #21

LiVE #21

Alexis, Ari, Codrescu, Cortés, Dennis, Diamond, Fabri, Gibson, Ginko, Godfrey, Hegarty, Hocking, Holman, Hoppe, Keever, Klauber, Lawton, Lewis, Luttrell, Yongbo, McConaughy, Miller, Mills, Nauen, Nduka, Nurkse, Otomo, Phillips, Semmes, Sit, Statman, Taylor, Waldman, Welt, Wolanczyk, Youens, Young


LiVE #20

LiVE #20

Bakaitis, Blagg, Coletti, Dailey, De Palma, Eisenman, Elimeliah, Elliot, Equi, Erickson, Harvey, Henning, Katz, Kuwayama, Landers, Lee, CMartin, RMartin, Milder, Muñoz, Newell, Ortiz, Pavlidou, Phipps, Priestly, Prol, Bockris & Resnick, Rondinone, Sanders, Simmons, Vincenz, Yorty, Yuen


LiVE #19

LiVE #19

Allegretti, Atiya, Cheng, Cortes, Cowans, Crosby, D'Arrigo, Depas, Finberg, Fish, Galowitz, Hartman, Kaplan, Keel, King, McKinney, Nengudi, Opstedal, Pham, Ping, Prosterman, Ros, Rothenberg, Ruby, Rupp, Rutkowski, Schwaiger, Scobie, Simonian, Smith, Torn, Vala, Vicuna, Wallenstein, Winch, Yau


LiVE Mag! #18

LiVE Mag! #18

Akyuz, Arcade, Borkhuis, Burkhart, Casquarelli, Castaner, Cazzaniga, Considine, Damon & Sondheim, DeCapite, Evans, Gonzales, Gruz, Guthrie, Hanrahan, Hatz, Hershon, Karasick, Katz, Kleinbub, Lally, Lee, Marmara, McElheny, Packer, Riley, Roebuk, Sala, Shepard, Tabios, Thacker, Uman, Vincenz, Weber, Wohl, Wright


Mean Poems

Mean Poems

Gift yourself, a freind, or a frenemy. This limited edition volume of cathartic Wright poems will armor anyone who's suffered injustice. Designed by d-Labs, printed on Ingres paper in NYC.


By and By

By and By

Celebrate year-round with this 2021 chapbook of 12 birthday poems dedicated to colleague poets and artists. By Jeffrey Cyphers Wright.


LiVE Mag! #17

LiVE Mag! #17

Adams, Birch, Church, Codrescu, Conrad, Dalachinsky, Delano, Einstein, Fabricant, Griggs, Hazlewood, Heman, Herceg, Hochman, Holman, Jennings, Jones, Kaufman, Lally, LaPrade, Marquez, Masters, Mesmer, Mills, Nissen, Oji, Padua, Parlato, Plantenga, Rivera, Rosenthal, Rosenbaum, Sanders, Schuchat, Scobie, Swan, Trause, Truitt, Workman, Wright


LiVE Mag! #16

LiVE Mag! #16

Armageddon, Birch, Buffon, Burckhardt, Carragon, Chambers, Cyphers, Dailey, Dalachinsky, Goldfarb, Gonzalez, Guibert, Hershon, Keever, King, Knobloch, Kozik, Krieger, LaForge, Lewis, Mann, Martin, Meyer, Morgan, Otomo, Pape, Phipps, Rifka, Saft, Schuster, Shostrom, Slonem, Statman, Wallace, Wallenstein, Warsh


LiVE Mag! #15

LiVE Mag! #15

Barone, Batu, Berrigan, Bowman, Brown, Castellanos, Codrescu, Colby, Corrie, Dimanshtein, Equi, Essenhigh, Fire, Haden-Guest, Heffernan, Hochman, Heman, Johnson, Kamenetz, Kolm, Laster, Lelong, Mills, Murphy, Neal, Paci, Park, Peyrafitte, Sarai, Satelite, Sawyer, Scobie, Tate, Tompkins, Torres, Troeller, Wright, Zayden


LiVE Mag! #14

LiVE Mag! #14

Alladice, Allegretti, Awai, Bradford, Burckhardt, Cazzaniga, Chernoff, Chkadua, DeSilva-Johnson, Falls, Fuhrman, Fyman, Godfrey, Gershator, Gosslee, Hammond, Henning, Hershon, Hoover, Horna, Jahmal, Juneau, Keating, Kreienberg, Lawton, Lee, Liu, Lyons, Markley, Mitty, Ortiz, Padel, Pines, Randall, Roskos, Schmidt, Voisine, Youens


LiVE Mag! #13

LiVE Mag! #13

Bastidas, Bijou, Blagg, Bushyeager, Codrescu, Davis, Dean, Diamond, Duhamel+Seaton, Duncan, Essenhigh, Evans, Geiser, Harsley, Hill, Klemperer, King, Kley, Lyons, McClure, Mercado, Mills, Nechvatal, Pfaff, Plotnick, Rothenberg, Schwabsky, Strobert, Van Doren, Wallenstein, Winkfield, Yakovlev, Yuen, Yung


LiVE Mag! #12

LiVE Mag! #12

Bakaitis, Barros, Bealy, Benton, Birch, Cazzaniga, Crash, Crull, Dickson, Don, Friedman, Giorno, Graupe-Pillard, de la Haba, Hansen, Holman, Killian, Kimball, King, Kolm, Marinovich, Marquez, Schnabel, Munk, Pan, Patterson, Phipps, Renzoni, Rose, Shot, Scobie, Snyder, Statman, Topp, Torres, Wright


LiVE Mag! #11

LiVE Mag! #11

Broadbent, Cave, DiFiore, Downs, Field, Haberny, Hartman, Hirose, Indiana, Jacques, Kostos, LeCroy, Leto, Lewis (Mayakovsky), Ling, Markley, McCarty, Miller, Moby, Nduka, Park, Pemberton, Peyton, Pritzker, Prol, Quasha, Rosenthal, Rupp, Seltman, Shapiro, Skillings, Vega, Zighelboim


LiVE Mag! #10

LiVE Mag! #10

Andre, Ballard, Devaney, Ellison, Fitzgerald, Gardner, Gerkin, Goldfarb, Hiratsuka, Hsiao, Jenks, Jurkovic, Keel, Keever, King, Klein, Kolm, Mazer, Mesches, Milk, Munson, Nessim, Otomo, Perchik, Robinson, Romberger, Rutkowski, Salmanson, Spirit, F. Wright, Yu


LiVE Mag! #9

LiVE Mag! #9

Astor, Barros, Bondell, Cannon, Cazzaniga, Cortes, Costan, Cyphers, Deanovich, Evans, Godfrey, Gonzales, Griggs, Hamill, Holman, Kirschenbaum, Koeneke, Lee, Martin, Mesches, Mills, Oisteanu, Porcella, di Prima, Reed, Ricard, Rifka, Ross, Scobie, Sirowitz, Somerville, Stackhouse, Wohl, Yorty


LiVE Mag! #8

LiVE Mag! #8

Berkson, Bondell, Dalachinsky, Diamond, Evans, Field, Holman, Indiana, Katz, Kolm, Luna, Otomo, Parrish, Peddle, Ricard, Rifka, Sala, Schnabel, Scobie, Smith, Tabios, Tesser, Toll, Towle, Wright


LiVE Mag! #7

LiVE Mag! #7

Vega, Cole, Field, Scobie, Ricard, Indiana, Henning, Lemon, Phipps, Berrigan, Katz, Reed, Mills, Wright, Knight, Sparrow, Artemis, Le Croy


LiVE Mag! #6

LiVE Mag! #6

Holman, Indiana, Bondell, Oliver, Smith, Katz, Cirelli, Wright, E. Katz, Equi, Ratcliff, Wilson, Prevallet, Wiener


LiVE Mag! #5

LiVE Mag! #5

Field, Holman, Jones, Irving, Maldonado, Warsh, Statman, Streitfield, Jenks, King, Indiana, Oisteanu, Burk, Wright


LiVE Mag! #4

LiVE Mag! #4

Seidman, Brown, Scobie, Oliver, Hershon, Maynard, Hahn, Fyman, Mitchell, Nasdor, Lanham, Sparrow, LaPrade, King, Wright, Price, Baraka
